
Friday, August 17, 2012

A special note from Mattel about Club Eternia

Just in case you forgot (I did), Matty would like to remind you that there will be no Club Eternia figure this month. Don't worry though, all 12 monthlies are still on track to get to your front door by year end.

Sir Laser-lot will be the sole Masters of the Universe subscription figure shipping in August. And he's a part of the 30th Anniversary collection, which if you recall required a second subscription agreement outside of the usual MOTUC Club Eternia.

Why the void? Well...
A quick reminder that due to scheduling issues beyond our control, there will be no MOTUC Club Eternia subscription figure for August. Instead, Mekaneck expands your collection in September, and then in October Frosta breezes in along with Rattlor. You will still recieve all 12 monthly Club Eternia figures for 2012, just in a slightly different order.
Honestly, they can have all the mix-ups in the order that they want- just bring me Rattlor! Even with all the issues they've had over the years, is this a great line or what?

Oh, and don't forget that if you want to add some missed figures to your collection, the store is open right here with the August 15th sale items. Personally, I grabbed a Grizzlor, missed him the first time around.

Photo credit: Jason Micciche