
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

PSA: No Stroller at Comic Con

If you'll be attending Comic Con in San Diego this week, be warned- no strollers will be allowed in the Programming Rooms for this year's event.

If you're attending with the little ones in tow, you're not out of luck though. The show will be providing docking stations for strollers throughout the San Diego Convention Center. Parking your offspring's sweet ride will be free of charge and first come, first served. The catch- there's no security.

So maybe don't bring the top of the line?

The last minute change isn't Comic Con International's idea either. It's the result of a ruling by a local Fire Marshall who sites safety concerns in case of an emergency. Kind of important that.

Here are the event rooms where you won't be able to gain entry pushing a wheelie:
Rooms 2, 4, 5AB, 6A, 6BCF, 6DE, 7AB, 8, 11AB, 23ABC, 24ABC, 25ABC, 26AB, 28E, 32AB, Ballroom 20, and Hall H.