
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

E3: Doom 3 BFG Announcement trailer

The BFG edition of classic shooter Doom 3 is on the way from Bethesda and iD, the newest trailer for the game doesn't show off most of what's new, but it just might get you excited to hunt the halls of Mars' moons one more time.

If you're wondering why a special edition of Doom 3 now, years after it's release, consider this- D4 is in the works and has been for some time. Though there's been nothing announced, I can't help but think (perhaps wishfully) that this is precursor to an official announcement for the fourth game in the series.

Even if that turns out not to be the case though, there's still a lot for Doom fans in the D3BFG package. The retail box ships with Doom 3, the expansion pack (Resurrection of Evil), a new campaign (The Lost Mission), the originl Doom, Doom II, and a bunch of goodies (like a flashlight mounted on your armor). Speaking as a fan since day one, that's more than enough to get me on board...