
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cartoon Network partners with Children's Museum

The home of Finn and Jake has partnered up with the New Children's Museum of San Diego to create a full on, completely immersive Adventure Time experience. And it's just in time for Comic Con.

Patterned after a pair of Adventure Time favorites, the interactive display will see the museum actually become the Land of Ooo.
It’s a Finn and Jake take over, Comic-Con style! For the first time ever, The New Children’s Museum, located in Downtown San Diego, will be re-conceptualized to feature an exclusive, fully immersive Adventure Time experience.  Inspired by two fan-favorite episodes, the Adventure Time: Keyper Seeker experience will welcome guests into this lush re-creation of the Land of Ooo! The Keyper, a beloved Adventure Time character who just happens to wear a key shaped hat, will present guests with a special key that opens one of the many doors within the secret lair of the Door Lords. Before a door will open, each guest must decipher a riddle that if successful will grant access to an extra-special prize locked inside!
The New Children’s Museum of San Diego and Cartoon Network will also be partnering to host an Adventure Time exhibition featuring fan-generated artwork! Cartoon Network has assembled a diverse array of Adventure Time themed artwork which will be displayed for the duration of this year’s Con.
The exhibit is open to the public (that includes all you Comic Con attendees) from Wednesday July 11th through Sunday July 15th. The New Children's Museum of San Diego is located at 200 West Island Ave, San Diego CA 92101