
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Concrete Park returns to Dark Horse Presents

After a successful debut in the book, Dark Horse Presents will once again be playing host to screenwriter Tony Puryear's Concrete Park.
Running through DHP #14-17, the new tale set in the Park universe will take readers far from mother Earth where the world's poor must live in exile.
Concrete Park’s return in Dark Horse Presents #14 brings us dark visions for Isaac and an event that will rock all the inhabitants of Scare City, human and non-human. This ongoing sci-fi series, written and drawn by screenwriter Tony Puryear (Eraser) takes you to a far-off planet where Earth’s poor youth have been exiled, and where they now must make a new world.
“Working with Dark Horse, getting to appear in DHP alongside great new work by Mike Mignola and Neal Adams is a terrific honor,” Puryear says. “I’m gratified that the reviews have been so positive, and more importantly, that the fans are finding and following Concrete Park. And on a personal note—we got the cover!”
 Look for the book at your local comic shop on July 18th.