
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Marvel's Avengers RealD 3D Glasses Announced

Seeing a big time action, superhero, extravaganza like the Avengers in 3D can be a pretty great experience. Wearing a pair of 3D goggles to see said extravaganza can be a humiliating experience. Here's a little something to make it considerably less so.

Just announced today, RealD and Marvel are releasing a set of probably pretty collectable Avengers themed glasses that are molded to reflect the most recognizable members of the super-team.

Starting in April (the flick opens on May 4th) comic fans should be on the lookout for these bad boys at special events, fan screenings, an online giveaways. You can also get them (maybe) at National Amusement, AMC, and some independent theaters as early as the midnight screenings for the film on May 3rd.

For more info, check out and

Face front true-believer! ...and wear your glasses, or you won't be able to watch the movie.