
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Deadliest Warrior Battles Through the Week

Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat is kicking off it's pre-release 'Battle of the Week' campaign with two of history's greatest leaders- Alexander the Great and Attila the Hun.
Each week until launch of the first boxed Deadliest Warrior game, developer 345 Games will be setting the stage for one of the many historical fantasy battles possible in the game. This week it's two men who died in really sad ways. Seriously, I had no idea their deaths were so pathetic.
Attila the Hun – With an unknown birthdate, the Hunnic warrior known as Attila came into the fifth century as violent as he was mysterious. One of the most barbaric men to ever control an empire, Attila ruled from modern Germany to Central Asia with an iron first from 433-453. Known for leading his formidable Hun horseback riders and cunning battle strategy, Attila died pathetically in his bedchamber on his wedding day. If given a second chance, would he die by the hands of his emperor forefather Alexander, or rise to the top of ruling the world?

Alexander the Great –Alexander’s greatest days come nearly 800 years prior to Attila’s rise in the mid-fourth century BC. Even with that much time between these two, Alexander shared many characteristics with the Hunnic warlord. Born to Macedon, Alexander was an outside figure to traditional Greece culture, before stepping in and taking what he felt as rightfully his. From Greece to Africa to deep into the Persian Empire and India, Alexander ruled three different continents. Unfortunately, he too fell by an ignoble death, due to a simple fever that may or may not have been an assassination.
Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat is looking sharp and slices and dices retail shelves on April 17th for the Xbox 360 and PS3.

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