
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Comic Books in a Digital Age

Here's something cool and very near and dear to our hearts here at the Spark- digital comic books. 'Comics in a Digital Age' is the title of the newest episode of the Peter Biddle hosted 'MashUp' radio show and sounds like it's going to be a pretty cool listen for anyone who likes comics- digitized or physical.

Biddle's guest for the half-hour program will be the Editorial Director for Marvel Digital Media Group and, Ryan Penagos. The pair are set to discuss iPads, PCs, and just how digital distribution in general has affected comics books.

Hearing from an insider is always valuable and Penagos is just about as 'inside' as you can get without having to resort to fake names and blacked out silhouettes. This Marvel-ous episode will air this coming Friday (Feb 3) at noon Pacific. You can listen in by tweeting the hash #mashupradio and you can find out more about the bi-weekly show by clicking here.