
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Produce a YouTube Video on Your iPhone

Sure it's not all that difficult to make a quick and dirty (get your mind out of the gutter) video on your iPhone, but how about making a music video? Developer Musicshake's YouTube Producer has the answer.

Essentially, this app allows you to add a musical score to your vid, but of course it's a wee bit more technical than that:

Using the apps highly intuitive and easy to use interface, ‘YouTube Producer’ offers you virtually unlimited amount of FREE musical content. By using the Browsing Assistant built into the app, you can select from 4+ kinds of tempos, 12+ different genres, and 19+ types of moods! Or, you can opt to simply use any random song, or select a most popular song from the virtually unlimited amount of content made available most recently!
 ‘YouTube Producer’ is powered by its Music Robot (Mu-Bot), which is unlike any other technology utilized in similar apps currently available on the App Store. The Music Robot generates music 24/7 by combining millions of music patterns from a massive database, and music generated with the Music Robot is not only of the highest possible quality, it is also 100% copyright- and royalty-FREE! This wonderful and fantastic app has already been used to generate musical content for videos on YouTube™, which in total has exceeded more than Billion views!
Sound cool? Check out the app right here on the app store and make with the (probably) lawsuit free grooving.