
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

From the editor:

If you're somehow unaware, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs passed away yesterday at the age of 56. Although the details are scarce as of right now, Jobs did have a history of  cancer which may have played a part in things.

Jobs was an innovator, a tech genius that understood where things were and where he wanted them to go. He had an impact on so many, me included, that I don't think we even know how wide his influence was felt. And that goes not only for the tech industries, but for wide swaths of the public mindset as well... I understand he was an all around nice guy too- you left this world way too soon Steve, but we all appreciate what you did while you were here.

Just a little note, and (among many others) have some very nice tributes. Go check 'em out.