
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sony NGP Reconfirmed for 2011 Launch?

According to industry website MCV, Lazard Capital Markets (an investment firm), is reporting that they attended a Sony sponsored 'analyst day' where SCEA confirmed that it's upcoming portable will make US release this year.

This is in contrast to what has recently been widely guessed to be a delay for the console because of the devastating earthquakes in Japan. Even Sony's own Jack Tretton hinted to as much just last week.

If the NGP is to make it's 2011 debut as originally intended though, it's great news for Sony. With Nintendo's new 3DS already out and selling at an incredible rate, the Playstation company can't afford to get too far behind here in the early going.

One thing that was also noted from the conference was that the European and UK releases could not be assured for this year. If that's the case then that means the console would likely have a pair of launches. One for the US/Japan and then another (likely in spring of 2012) for Europe.

On a separate note, although there was no word on the progress- a few triple A games were shown off too: namely Uncharted, Socom 4, Twisted Metal, Resistance 3 and Infamous 2. Those numbers at the end of the titles are pretty conspicuous aren't they?

Some serious ports coming for the PSP's successor? Looks like it.