
Monday, March 14, 2011

Prey 2 is Now Official

Prey originally was released in 2006 and was, for many, the first really 'next gen' FPS. It introduced new takes on gameplay with it's wall (and ceiling) walking pads and even beat the much acclaimed Portal to the punch with it's own portal transportation ideas.

That's all in addition to the fact that Prey was a terrific shooter at it's core and had an awesome story that mixed sci-fi with real world 'ancient alien' lore. Good stuff all around.

Fast forward to today and a sequel that pretty much nobody expected is finally announced- Prey 2 will be launching next year.

“We are thrilled to be working with Bethesda on Prey 2,” said Chris Rhinehart, project lead. Prey 2 will provide gamers the opportunity to explore a new facet of the Prey universe, one that offers fast-paced action in an open, alien world. We’re excited to show gamers the title we have been working on and hope they will be as excited by this title as we are.”