
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Xbox LIVE Update -- 'Stacking TNT' Edition

Xbox LIVE gets Stacking (AKA the Russian nesting doll game), TNT Racers, Darksiders 'on demand', and a very nice little sale on 'retro shooters'.


  • nail'd
  • Stacking
  • TNT Racers
  • None
Games  on Demand
  • Mini-Ninjas
  • Darksiders
Deals of the Week
  • Duke Nukem: The Manhattan Project - was 800mspts now 400mspts
  • Space Invaders Infinity Gene - was 800 now 400
  • Geometry Wars Retro Evolved - was 800 now 400
  • Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - was 800 now 400
  • Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter - was 800 now 400
  • Galaga Legions - was 800 now 400