
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Batman: Arkham City Mini-Series Announced

A six issue series detailing the events that took place between Arkham Asylum and the upcoming sequel, Arkham City, will be releasing this May to fill in those blanks. And just what are those blanks?
Arkham City #1
Written by Batman: The Animated Series writer Paul Dini (who also penned both Arkham games) and drawn by Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City concept artist Carlos D’anda, BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY picks up one year after the original game, where former Arkham Warden turned newly elected Mayor of Gotham City Quincy Sharp has decided to close down the infamous institution. In its stead, he establishes “Arkham City,” the new maximum security “home” for all of Gotham City’s thugs, gangsters and insane criminal masterminds.  Set inside the heavily fortified walls of a sprawling district in the heart of Gotham City, inmates can roam free and do whatever they want as long as they don’t try to escape. To run this urban prison, Sharp has appointed Dr. Hugo Strange, a man who knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman.
Sounds like a great idea Mr. Mayor!

Some cool stuff about cyberspace availability for Arkham City after the break-

To get more in line with what's going on in the world of reading comics and how folks like to do it, DC Comics will also be seeing to it that the digital versions of these books will launch day and date with the comic shop offering. That's more like it- now all we need is for it to be industry standard.

Also very cool are the 'digital first' stories. These 8 page supplements will be available digitally only to start with and will sell for .99- What say you about it, Co-Publisher Jim Lee?
“The digital first stories offer a unique incentive for fans to experience interesting and exciting stories beyond the pages in the printed comic,” said Jim Lee, DC Comics Co-Publisher, “The additional pages will serve as interludes within the regular issues and won’t be necessary to follow the main story of the mini-series. Fans will also be able to read these interludes in print later, when we publish the collected edition.”