
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nintendo Sets All Time Records in Console Sales

The popularity of Nintendo's latest batch of consoles may be waning a little- what with the upcoming launch of the 3DS leeching a little shine off of the DS and the Wii just plain old loosing momentum -but it is undenyable that the big 'N' was able to accomplish something truly amazing in this current generation.

And now it's official.

It should be noted that these numbers are from Nintendo's own internal record keeping but:
  • The DS 'family' of consoles has sold more than 47 million units since launch
  • The Wii has moved more than 34 million and has just finished it's third consecutive year of 7 million in sales.
Now a little perspective- these figures are for the US only. When you take into account the rest of the world, that's one massive global user base that makes the DS, in particular, the best selling console of all time. Even though Nintendo insists on lumping all of the various iterations of the DS under one title (and subsequently counting them all as the same- thereby artificially bloating the numbers a bit) it's still pretty damn impressive.

official release below

According to Nintendo’s internal sales figures, the Nintendo DS family of portable video game systems has sold more than 47 million in the United States since the original model launched in November 2004. That tally makes Nintendo DS the nation’s best-selling video game system of all time.
For the second major milestone of 2010, Nintendo’s internal figures show that the Wii home console marked its third consecutive calendar year with U.S. sales of more than 7 million – a feat never before accomplished in the history of video games by a home console. To date, the Wii system has sold more than 34 million in the United States alone.
“When we look back at 2010, we see consumers time and again turning to the value and enjoyment of our products,” said Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime. “When we look ahead to 2011, we see new portable technology and more great Wii games that need to be seen to be believed.”
Nintendo is set to release its new Nintendo 3DS hand-held system in the United States in March. The portable system lets players see 3D content – without the need for special glasses. More details about the system will be announced in the future.
Remember that Wii features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other features, visit For more information about Nintendo, visit