
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Turbografx Gamebox Comes to iPhone

The Turbo is about to hit the App store... in virtual form.

At some point very soon, one of the most beloved (and niche) consoles of all time- the Turbografx 16 -is about to open up shop on Apple's App store. The front end, called the Turbografx Gamebox, will be free to download and will include the game World Sports Competition for freezies- other virtual gamecards will cost $3.99 a piece. Initially, there'll be 15 games available- which of course is to be expanded as soon as developer Hudson finds out if this is going to have an audience or not.

This next part is kinda odd- the Gamebox is going to come virtually packed with one other game. This second title will be chosen by Hudson themselves and will rotate by the day. Each day, you'll get exactly three minutes of play time on whatever said game is going to be.

It's not a bad scheme by any means, actually it's sort of cool. Just... odd.

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