
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rage for iPhone/iPad POut Now!

iPhone4 'HD' version
Kind of popping out of nowhere and with no hoopla is id software's iDevice port of next years Rage. I downloaded it, I played it- it's awesome.

For those who might not be aware, Rage for the iDevices is an 'on rails' shooter- but don't be frightened! 'On rails' isn't a dirty phrase here, on the contrary it plays really well and is adapted exceptionally to Rage. The mobile game ties into the main title but as a side quest kind of thing. I doubt it has all that much to do with the actual storyline.

Rage is a universal App but has two flavors anyway- regular (.99) and 'HD' ($1.99) editions. The 'HD' version is really to take advantage of the iPhone 4's bells and whistles. It shows, the graphics are excellent.