
Friday, October 29, 2010

Barnes and Noble Nook Color Looking Great

With the announcement of Barnes and Noble's Nook Color, a lot of the wild speculation about the device has been sorted out and we can take a better look at this nice little reader/sorta android tablet.

Feature Set

The nook color has all the same stuff as the regular e-ink version but (obviously) in color and with a 7" touch screen, so it works much the same way as the iPad's iBooks App for it's main functionality. What it also brings to the table, and what makes it different, is the Android operating system- and that means it does a lot more than the nook original.

Publishers can now add moving artwork, video, and sound to their ebook offerings. (The video's of the children's books moving around on the screen are particularly neat.) But honestly, reading is just the tip of the iceberg when talking about the nook color.

The nc also has a full screen (no tiny bottom touchscreen) web browser as well as a series of specially designed Apps all for itself called NOOKextras- Pandora and some simple games are included there with more to come. The Apps will be purchased through a B&N App Store that operates seperately from the Android Marketplace. Which basically means that the bookseller has direct control over what appears on it's handheld.

Bits and Pieces

The nc has built in wi-fi, so no 3g- and cost is basically the reason. At $249, you've got a really comfortable price tag that basic e-readers were retailing at not all that long ago, add 3g capability to that and the cost starts to shoot up. So no 'anywhere' access to the web or the B&N App store/Bookstore quite yet.

The Bookstore
  • Nooknewsstand is another new feature that is exactly what it sounds like. The nn brings magazines and newspapers to you nook, in full color of course.

  • Nookkids is a completely separate category and features the above mentioned 'moving artwork' in it's books.

  • Nookbooks is the new name designation for B&N's ebook selection, no change otherwise

Personally, I have a nook (original) and I love the thing. Before I got one I read maybe a book a year.  Now I have about ten titles on my reader, I'm well into four and I've polished off three of them. While I most likely won't be upgrading to a nookcolor anytime soon since I'm very happy with my nook/iPad combo, it's an easy recommendation to anyone interested in e-reading or basic tablet use for that matter.

Spark approved.

To check out more about the nookcolor go here. There's a walkthrough and some nice little short vids about features.