
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Insomniac follows Bungie into the land of Multiplatform Developing

Long time Playstation developers Insomniac games (Ratchet & Clank, Resistance) have announced that their next game will be for the PS3 and the Xbox 360.

Honestly, this isn't a shocker. There were some industry rumblings a few weeks ago about it when Bungie made the shift away from exclusivity- if anything, this move makes more sense considering the 360's superior install base and sales figures.

Exclusive games have been fading into a memory for a while now, kind of a bittersweet experience no?

Hey guys, Ted Price here,
I wanted to speak directly to you, our fans, about some big news for Insomniac. Over the last 16 years, you’ve supported Insomniac by buying over 35 million copies of our games. You’ve explored with us the worlds of Spyro the Dragon, Ratchet & Clank, and Resistance on PSOne, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3. And you've interacted with us directly through our online communities. In other words, we've gotten to know each other pretty well.
Lately, many of you have been asking, “what’s next?” Today, we’re excited to announce that we have created a brand new universe and franchise for you to experience in the coming years. As we develop it, one of our goals is to provide an awesome experience for as many players as possible. With that in mind, we’re working with EA Partners to bring this title to both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
You may be wondering why we’re announcing this game now, and how it relates to our existing projects. We’ve been developing games on an annual pace during the last 16 years. One thing that has become apparent to us though is that in order to live up to our own high standards of quality, we want to give ourselves more development time to iterate and polish our games. All future Insomniac titles will benefit from longer development cycles, which will directly benefit you, our fans.
We know many of you are extremely loyal to the PlayStation family, and especially to Resistance and Ratchet & Clank. We are too. Our relationship with Sony Computer Entertainment is still very strong, and continues as we develop additional projects exclusively for PlayStation 3 - projects that will take full advantage of our additional development time.
This is an exciting time for everyone at Insomniac – we look forward to continuing to create the high-quality experiences you’ve come to expect from us. From all of us here, thanks again for all your support. It truly means a lot to us.