
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

GOW All-Fronts map pack on sale & Title Update 6 intro's 'Social Matchmaking'

'Social Matches' basically means that you can jump into - or out of - this game-set at any time to suit all your chainsawin' needs. Huzzah. Oh, that includes Horde Mode ; )

Also worth mentioning is that this weekend will take full advantage of the new update by being... a Triple Experience Weekend! Huzzah... again. Actually, it's more like a Trip Ex week- it'll run from 9:00am eastern, tomorrow May 27th, through Tuesday June 1st

And to round out all the Gears tidbits this morning- the 'All Fronts' map pack is on sale for 800mspts. Do I dare 'Huzzah' a third time? I do. You can also get the four packs that make up the All Fronts collection separately (but where's the fun in that?) or on the 'Gears of War 2 : Game of the Year' disc for the tidy sum of $29.99 American. Or less --> see below.

So? Go to it Gear-Heads.