Crackdown was such a great game- never should have been written off as a way to get into the Halo 3 beta. Great, great, stuff- can't wait for July!
The press release is after the break if you should so desire-
“Crackdown 2” Animated Miniseries Unravels the Thrilling Tale of Pacific City
The harsh days and volatile nights in Pacific City come to life in a riveting five-part animated miniseries chronicling the events that have transpired between the Xbox 360 smash hit “Crackdown” and the highly anticipated sequel, “Crackdown 2.” Starting today, fans can tune into Youtube.com/machinima for a look down the back alleys and behind the locked doors of Pacific City with an exclusive premiere of the series with episode 1, titled “Home Truths.”
The first “Crackdown” took place in the fictional metropolis of Pacific City, where the Agency – an organization using genetically enhanced soldiers known as Agents – was contracted to rid the city of three powerful crime syndicates. The saga continues 10 years later in “Crackdown 2,” with new enemies (the Cell and the Freaks) that stand in the way of the Agency’s goal to bring Pacific City back under control. After the events in the first “Crackdown,” a dangerous virus was released and those who were infected – the Freaks – began ravaging the city. A civilian resistance, called the Cell, also formed to take the fight into their own hands by mounting offenses against the Agency. Players return as Agents in “Crackdown 2” to once again bring peace to Pacific City – by any means possible.
Written by Ruffian Games Senior Designer Ed Campbell, the events that lead into “Crackdown 2” unfold to answer your most pressing questions: Why is Pacific City in turmoil? What happened to the Agency? Who is the Cell? Where did the Freaks come from? And, most importantly, who is Catalina Thorne?
Animated by seasoned comic artist and illustrator Alex Ronald, you’ll see the vibrant world of “Crackdown 2” like never before, as the Agency, Cell and Freaks bring Pacific City to the brink of destruction. With the Voice of the Agency returning to narrate the way, you’ll go deep behind enemy lines, scour the underground and experience more of the explosive action leading up to the Xbox 360 exclusive’s launch in July.
The miniseries will be viewable in five parts, with the conclusion of the series airing on June 21, 2010. Stay tuned for each episode of the “Crackdown 2” miniseries at Youtube.com/machinima:
Episode Airing Date
Episode 1 May 21, 2010
Episode 2 May 28, 2010
Episode 3 June 4, 2010
Episode 4 June 11, 2010
Episode 5 June 21, 2010