
Friday, May 7, 2010

Be the Zombie, live the Zom... no that's not right

So this went up on the official Playstation Blog and I thought I pass it on, which is a crucial part of any good zombie contagion after all.

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Ever wanted to be in a video game trailer? How about a zombie video game trailer?
On May 15th and 16th, we will be shooting a trailer for an upcoming zombie video game in San Francisco, CA. We want to give 20 of you the chance to appear in the trailer… as a zombie!
Zombies! Sweet, sweet zombies
So how do you enter to be a participant in this trailer?
Send an e-mail to with the following info:
  • Name
  • Date of birth (MUST BE 18 years of age or older)
  • Phone number
  • Zip code of your residence
  • Height
  • Two Photos:
    1. Face (Close-up)
    2. Full body
Send your email between May 7th at 9:00am Pacific and May 12th at 11:00pm Pacific. If you’re selected, we’ll contact you on Thursday, May 13th.
Our wardrobe department will tell you what to take with you to the shoot.
  • Participants will have to make their own way to the video shoot on May 15th and 16th.
  • Participants will not be compensated for their time or appearance.
  • Participants will be required to be on set for approximately 10 hours per day.
  • Not all Participants selected will be used in the video shoot. Final selection will be determined on site.
  • Participants will be required to have make-up done by SCEA.
Now is your chance to be a zombie! E-mail to achieve immortality…the easy way.
Good luck!

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I wanna be the guy on the extreme right- looks like zombie-Nicholas Cage! Awesome!!11!!!!1