
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Xbox LIVE update -- 'Perfect Dark' edition

That's really all you have to say about this weeks LIVE releases.

Tomorrow, Best Buy will have Modern Warfare branded 1600 points cards available for $17.99. I will be getting one. Then I will be getting this.

When PD first came out on the N64 I played it for about five minutes. I was still so wrapped up on Goldeneye that I bought and sold this gem of a game in what must have been about a week and a half. Ever since, I've been kicking myself over never having experienced it in all it's glory. Tomorrow, that will change.

I should also mention that Splinter Cell Conviction has a mighty fine demo up for download as well. That's gonna be a good one- there's some nice deals of the week too on original Xbox titles too.

  • Splinter Cell Conviction

  • Perfect Dark
Deal (s) of the week
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for 800 points
  • Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne for 800 points
  • Fable (original game) for 800 points