
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Playstation Home gets an infusion of good ideas...

Well, only one good idea so far actually. And it has an odd name.

MMO style games to play with your Home-y. Very cool- The first offering is a hover-tank blaster/racing thing called Sodium One. One issue I have though, is that you're charged for playing past the first five levels. I'd rather pay a fee per year (a la LIVE) than be nickel and dimed for vehicle upgrades and new levels.

Official Scuttle after the break.

Today marks the next evolutionary step of the PlayStation Home platform, as we release a massive 50 level vehicle combat game wrapped inside a highly-interactive and expansive social gaming environment known as Sodium One– a truly revolutionary gaming experience developed by Outso Ltd. and published by Lockwood Publishing Ltd. This entertainment event, set in a future of advanced technology where man and machine meet on a vast salt plain to turn deadly battle into extreme sport, resides only in the ever-growing world of PlayStation Home. And come opening day, you will want to be the first person in. That is, of course, if you want to be the last person standing.
A new benchmark for social gaming in PlayStation Home, Sodium One will launch with an explosive game known as Salt Shooter – a 50 level combat challenge where players can collect items to level up gameplay and strategically customize hovertanks with weapons, armor, and countermeasures. These level-ups can be obtained in a variety of ways, including meeting in-game objectives, trading resources collected in the Sodium world, and purchasing items that unlock upgrades in the Sodium environment (such as the tank pilot jackets, which grant access to additional levels of the game, leaderboards, and the pilots’ VIP lounge). All of this is built upon an MMO framework that includes additional games like Desert Quench and Scorpion Stomp, associated rewards and collectibles, and personal questing adventures, all of which are tracked by the Sodium AI Information Android known as VICKIE. The above games make for a truly next-level PlayStation Home space that centers on the concept of offering persistent objectives and long-term rewards to the PlayStation Home community, so users may work together to reach score targets and unlock future content and continuously upgrade their personal gaming experiences.
A dynamic and immersive gaming environment that will continue to expand over time by offering new games, community events, and virtual items, Sodium One is an experience unique to the PlayStation Home platform. By leveraging the computing power of the PS3, Outso Ltd. has succeeded in creating a graphically-rich, community-based game that is leaps ahead of anything offered on other consoles. To celebrate this momentous event, we will be making a limited number of unique voucher codes – good for a full unlock of the entire Salt Shooter combat game – available to 1,050 PlayStation Home community members that explore the space during the first 7 days (150 users per day). All you have to do is log in to PlayStation Home, enter the Sodium One space and interact with VICKIE for your chance to unlock the full game.
We are proud to join you, the PlayStation Home community, as we embark on a journey to the next level of social gaming on the PS3. So make sure you log into PlayStation Home today to take part in all that this amazing new gaming world known as Sodium One has to offer. And, as always, stay tuned to the official PlayStation.Blog for updates regarding the Sodium One space and all other events and content scheduled to appear in PlayStation Home throughout what is sure to be an incredibly exciting new year.