
Thursday, December 10, 2009

MAG INFO for YOU (and the box art too)

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We’ve been exceedingly grateful to those of you who participated in our MAG beta tests over the last several months and couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out.
Naturally, with the end of our beta cycle, comes the countdown to our final release on January 26, and what better way to start that countdown than to reveal the final, “official” box art that you’ll find in the United States and Canada. Have a gander!
MAG Packfront Final!
Pretty sweet isn’t it? Yeah, we like it too.
Now that you know what to look for in the future, let’s go back to the past for a moment and talk about some interesting information we gathered over the last month.
  • More than 42,000 matches were played over the course of the full public beta (August 17 – December 5).
  • During October’s beta period alone nearly 534,000+ miles were traveled in-game by MAG players each week.
  • During the final month of the Beta 4 and 4.5 periods (November 9 – December 5):
    • Of the more than 65,000 players that logged on, 17,000 of them qualified for Squad Leader, 3500 people qualified for Platoon Leader, 1100 folks made it all the way to OIC, and 206 dedicated warriors made it all the way to the level 60 experience cap.
    • Nearly 18 million kills were made and an excess of 700 million shots were fired.
    • The Top 3 most played maps all belonged to the Sabotage mode. They were, in order, Syr Darya Uplink, Darien Network, and Copper Hills Relay.
  • You can check out some of our dedicated Beta tester all-stars over on the Official MAG Blog
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Like the box art? I do, very cool. Not very intersted in the game itself though. Anyone who reads ths site regularly knows that I really don't like Multi very much, and MAG is all multi. Meh...