
Friday, December 18, 2009

Gamestop is returning your money! No really...

If you're looking for a little extra dough to spend on yourself this holiday season, you might want to check out this website.

What you'll find is a form to fill out that will get you back any unused deposits that you might have left on games that you neglected to pick up in the form of a printable giftcard. The idea is that Gamestop is supposed to call you (Ms. Computer-voice that is) to let you know that you have these unused deposits and that you should head over to the site linked above.

With that said, I would encourage anyone who has preordered regularly at Gamestop to try their luck with the form even if you didn't get a phone call. In my own experience, I had to use a cell phone number that I don't have any more to get my cash back- it was a great surprise too- turned out to be $20.00!

You can read the whole story at Kotaku. Thanks for the twenty guys!