
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday, it's my happy-go-funday

Played a little Fable 2 today. I thought it was wrapping up but it looks like the main quest is actually a lot longer than I thought. Which is a good thing. Mainly because I was about to complain that F2 was really, really short for this type of game.

Now the only problem is that I've still got to finish Spider-Man and I still haven't really gotten into Fallout 3. I know they came out a while ago but I chose to plunge into Gears of War 2 and Fable 2 first and I'm dying to move on.

Right now though, it's NY Giants football (please destroy the Eagles) and pizza, then I'll move on to some work that's left over from the week. Later? Maybe out to Ikea with the gal for some good old fashioned Swedish boredom.

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