
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Live free or... play all by yourself.

I just read Don Reisinger's column on cNet about Xbox Live and it's status as the only pay-to-play network service on the current crop of home consoles. Now, I'm not a big online multi guy, but it's a pretty good read other than a few opinions that aren't exactly realistic. Playing online with the Wii is comparable to LIVE on the 360? If you say so Don.

Several months ago I had stated that the Live service would become free to all for PC AND Xbox. This was what I was hearing at the time. It turned out that only the former was the case- for now. I still firmly believe that the Live service will switch over to a free to all part of the Xbox experience. The reasons are well stated in Mr. Reisinger's work and are as valid today as they were a few months ago. Look for this to happen either by the holidays or fall of '09.

Yes, I'm sticking to it.

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